Why Do Stingrays Jump Out of the Water?

If you’ve spent any time on a boat on the warm waters of the world’s oceans, you’ve likely encountered a stingray.

These fascinating creatures exhibit some unusual behaviors, including leaping from the water unprovoked…which has people asking:

“Why do stingrays jump out of the water?”

The truth is, scientists aren’t entirely sure. In this article, we’ll discuss the top theories, and answer a few commonly asked questions.

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Why Do Stingrays Jump Out of the Water?

Stingrays are an iconic aquatic species that are very unique in appearance. Some people may be surprised to find out that occasionally, stingrays will use their flat and graceful bodies to leap and jump out of the water. 

What causes these stingrays to leap out of the water and seemingly fly through the air?

There is no definite answer as to why stingrays jump out of the water, but scientists believe there are three different possibilities:

  • Mating rituals
  • Cleaning parasites from their bodies
  • Communication

The first theory is that stingrays conjugate together and leap out of the water in order to show off and attract a mate. They could also be leaping into the air in order to intimidate rivals and establish dominance. 

Why Do Stingrays Jump Out of the Water?
Photo courtesy of Billy McKechnie; Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

One of the most popular theories as to why stingrays jump out of the water is that they are in the process of cleaning parasites off of themselves. Stingrays are susceptible to many types of parasites and remoras (sometimes referred to as suckerfish). 

These parasites attach themselves to the bodies of the stingrays and cause them to suffer. Many scientists think that this sudden leap into the air can cause some of these parasites to fall off, allowing the stingrays to clean themselves off. 

The last theory as to why stingrays leap from the water from time to time is that it is a form of communication. By performing significant jumps, a school of stingrays may be trying to communicate with isolated individuals in order to help them rejoin the group.

In addition to the large splashes and presentation, the sound of multiple stingrays jumping can produce loud sounds from many miles away. This, in turn, can help other stingrays know where the main group is located. 

What Types of Rays Jump Out of the Water?

Many different types of rays will jump out of the water. The most common species that does this, however, is called the Mobula ray. There are nine different species of Mobula rays, and all of them are known to jump out of the water. 

While Mobula rays are the most popular jumpers, many different species leap into the air as well. Manta rays, spotted eagle rays, southern stingrays, and Pelagic stingrays are all known to jump out of the water from time to time. 

Other types of rays, such as cownose stingrays, roughtail stingrays, and bluntnose stingrays can also jump out of the water, but do so much less often. 

Is the Jumping Dangerous for Boaters?

Because stingrays can often be seen jumping from the water, many boaters can be put into potentially dangerous situations. A big fish leaping through the air can strike a boat or person in a boat at very high speeds, creating a big hazard. 

In 2008, a 75-pound stingray that was leaping through the air struck a woman on a boat in the Florida Keys. Although the boat was traveling at 25 miles per hour, the result was a fatal blow to the head for the woman. 

Although stingrays can be a threat to boaters, they do not jump out of the water often enough to present a huge problem. A boater exercising some caution should not have any issues with stingrays that are jumping out of the water. 

What Kind of Rays Jump Out Of the Water in Florida?

Although there are dozens and dozens of species of stingrays that call Florida home, not all of them are known to jump out of the water regularly. The main species that are known to leap out of the water in Florida are spotted eagle rays, Mobula rays, and Atlantic stingrays.

Florida is best known for its warm weather and tropical saltwater environments. Many species of stingrays call these waters home, and most of the waters around Florida are teeming with large populations of rays. 

What Other Marine Animals Jump Out Of The Water?

Stingrays aren’t the only marine life to leap from the water…

In fact, many species of dolphins and whales breach the surface when communicating, mating, feeding or even playing.

Fish like mullet, flying fish, skipjacks, bonito, and even spinner sharks are all known to sky-rocket out of the water in acrobatic displays. It’s really quite amazing!

Keep an eye on your surroundings, use good judgment when boating and fishing, and you should have no problems enjoying the water near these unique creatures.

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